AIM Bookshelf 19.12





AIM Overview Message Details

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Interface Control Documents
  Provides reference information for creating and implementing AIM messages. Includes all standard interfaces for Jeppesen AIM messaging.
    Message Overviews Spec Source Samples
    bullet_light_blue Common Interfaces html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue AOC Message html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Airport Analysis (AA) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Airport Services (AS) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Alert Notification (AN) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue ATC (AT) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Binary Transport (BT) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Communications (CM) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Crew Tracking (CT) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Customer Data Services (CS) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue DatabaseManagement (DB) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Dispatch (DP) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Document Management (DM) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Electronic Flight Folder (EF) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Enterprise Resource Planning (EP) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Flight Following (FF) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Flight Planning (FP) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue GPS (GP) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Heartbeat (HB) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Maintenance (MX) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Navigation Data (ND) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Notam Management (NM) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Operations Control (OC) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Reservations (RS) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Schedule Planning (SP) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Training (TN) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue User Management (UM) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Weather (WX) html xsd xml
    bullet_light_blue Weight and Balance (WB) html xsd xml

Copyright © 2009-2023 Jeppesen. All rights reserved. Your use of the AIM Bookshelf and all supporting documentation is subject to a separate license agreement between you and Jeppesen, a copy of which is included in the zip file or can be obtained from Jeppesen. The AIM Bookshelf is delivered "AS IS" without warranty of any kind and is not guaranteed to be free from errors or defects. You rely on the AIM Bookshelf at your own risk. No support for the AIM Bookshelf is implied through its publication. The AIM Bookshelf is intended solely for use as a reference and examples of interfaces to Jeppesen systems. Jeppesen may revise, update or cease publication at any time, without notice. Building to the specifications set forth in the AIM Bookshelf does not mean that your intended integration needs will be met or that an interface will function as documented. We recommend contacting Jeppesen directly to discuss professional services options with respect to production application integration and validation efforts.
  Provides an overview of the Jeppesen Solution Integrator, including a solution review and an architectural overview.
  bullet_light_blue Jeppesen Solution Integrator (JSI) Overview
Release Notes
  AIM Bookshelf Release Notes; including AIM installation instructions.
  bullet_light_blue AIM Bookshelf Release Notes
Developer Tool Kit
  XSDs and sample XMLs in a single .zip file.
  bullet_light_blue Download