Navigation Data

System and Message Overviews

Document Version: 1.3

Date: May 1, 2018

Copyright © 2009-2023 Jeppesen. All rights reserved. Your use of the AIM Bookshelf and all supporting documentation is subject to a separate license agreement between you and Jeppesen, a copy of which is included in the zip file or can be obtained from Jeppesen. The AIM Bookshelf is delivered "AS IS" without warranty of any kind and is not guaranteed to be free from errors or defects. You rely on the AIM Bookshelf at your own risk. No support for the AIM Bookshelf is implied through its publication. The AIM Bookshelf is intended solely for use as a reference and examples of interfaces to Jeppesen systems. Jeppesen may revise, update or cease publication at any time, without notice. Building to the specifications set forth in the AIM Bookshelf does not mean that your intended integration needs will be met or that an interface will function as documented. We recommend contacting Jeppesen directly to discuss professional services options with respect to production application integration and validation efforts.


Document Revision History

The following revision history table reflects all substantive changes to this document.


Description of Updates Made


Original publication of document.

31-July-10 Added new message ND003. Updated ND001 and ND002 from DRAFT to version 1.


Updated links for new Bookshelf directory structure.

23-July-13 New XSD.
3-March-14 New XSD.
3-March-16 New XSD.
* Updated ND003 to version 2: Add optional, string elements: icaoFormattedText, simpleFormattedText, companyFormattedText, eNotamFormattedText to CM004 publish, ND003 response, AN003 Publish messages.
* Deprecated ND003 v1.
30-January-17 New XSD.
* New ND004, ND005, ND006, ND007, and ND008 version A: New messages for NavDataService.

New XSD.
* Updated ND004-modified airportDetails, and runwayDetails.
* Updated ND005-made vorDetails a repeating set of elements under advancedAirportDetails. Updated ND005 response under advancedAirportDetails --> runwayDetails: runwayDetails are now a repeating set of elements - minimumRunwayLength is now runwayLength - added a flag to indicate which runway length is the shortest - displacedThreshold is now an integer with a UOM in feet.
* Updated ND006-Added group type for polygonBoundary, pointName, airportCode; removed noDataReturned element; added error group. Deleted one of the sequences in the polygonBoundaryType.
* Updated ND007 response-made vorDetails a repeating set of elements under advancedAirportDetails. Made navigationAid as repeatable; made PointResponse as repeatable, and specified lat/long as coordinates in the airport details on the response. Updated ND007 response under advancedAirportDetails --> runwayDetails: runwayDetails are now a repeating set of elements - minimumRunwayLength is now runwayLength - added a flag to indicate which runway length is the shortest - displacedThreshold is now an integer with a UOM in feet.
* Updated ND008-modified runwayDetails.


New XSD.
* Updated ND004 ,ND005, ND006, ND008 to version C
* Updated ND007 to version D
* Updated ND004, ND005, ND006, ND007, and ND008 - Removed "additionalNavaidInfo", and Modified advancedAirportDetail in Nav Data Msg to supoprt multiple communication types/frequencies; Modified "magneticVariation" and "altitude" elements in "basicAirportDetails" in Nav Data Msgs; Defined altitude from Common.xsd AltitudeType (integer, restricted to -2000, to 250000) with UOM attribute, and MagneticVariation as an xs:string.
* Updated ND007 request - Created common navPointCategoryType
* Updated ND005, ND006, ND007, ND008 - Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType (fireRescue, daysOfOperation, hoursOfOperation, airportUse)


New XSD.
* Updated ND004 ,ND005, ND006, ND008 to version D
* Updated ND007 to version E
* Updated ND004, ND005, ND006, ND007, and ND008: Added Enumerations: H-High Frequency (3,000 kHz - 30,000 kHz), V-Very High frequency (30,000kHz - 200 MHz), U-Ultra High Frequency (200 MHz-3,000 MHz), C-Communication Channel for 8.33 kHz spacing. Removed elements form basicAirportDetail, including: postalZipCode, telephoneCountryCode, timeZone, distanceToCity. Incremented to version D in AIM-376. Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType, such as: shortestRunway, touchdownPointIndicator, instrumentProcedureSTAR, instrumentApproachProcedure, instrumentDepartureProcedure. Remove "radial" from AdvancedAirprotDetailsType - vorDetails.
* Update ND006 request/response for PolygonBoundaryType so that namedPoint or coordinates are required, not both.
* Added ND009 vA: New message to support gathering of waypoint information. New ND009 vA DRAFT of Waypoint Data Request / Response.

Table Of Contents


1 Introduction

This document defines the interfaces which govern the interchange of data between an Navigation Data system and other systems within an Airline Operation Center (AOC).  Each AOC interface is represented by a message described in an associated XSD (XML Schema Definition). The XSD defines and enforces the required, optional, and conditional data that can be included in a message.

1.1  Audience

The intended audience for this document includes existing and potential Jeppesen customers, integration partners, and personnel with roles associated with application architecture, application development, system testing, implementation, and application support for any programs that require the Navigation Data system.

1.2  Scope

This document discusses the Navigation Data messages currently supported by the Jeppesen Solution Integrator. Each message description includes the following:

  • Overview for common message uses within an AOC
  • Message Version Summary listing all available versions of each message
  • Links to the message specifications including direct links to XSD documentation, where you can explore the XSD hierarchy and interface specifications in a navigable HTML format
  • Links to the XSD source code
  • Links to sample XML messages for each AOC message

Other data interfaces or formats not included in this document will be considered custom and not supported.

1.3  XML Schema/XSD

The XML schema for this ICD is published in the following file: NavigationData.xsd


2  Message Summary

Table 2-1 lists the messages that can be sent or handled by the application. The messages originated by this application (messages that begin with “ND”) are further discussed in Section 3 AOC Interface Messages.

Table 2-1 Message Summary








Get Nav Data






Get Flight Nav Data






Get Notam






NavData By Point






Named Point Nearest Latitude / Longitude






NavData Request Based On Polygon






NavData Based On An Airport Nearest A Navaid






NavData For Points Along A Straight Line






NavData Based on Polygon Points






3 AOC Interface Messages

The following messages are processed by the Navigation Data system.

3.1 ND001 – Get Nav Data

3.1.1  Message Overview

This message allows the crew to request navigation data for specific flight tracks. The possible flight tracks are enumerated in the message. The operations control system returns a text string for the requested track(s).

3.1.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 1.

ND001 message system flow

Figure 1. ND001 message system flow

3.1.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

ND001 v1

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND001
version: 1

Message Specification

ND001 GetNavDataRequestType
ND001 GetNavDataResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History

Original publication of message.


3.2 ND002 – Get Flight Nav Data

3.2.1  Message Overview

This message allows the crew to request terrain data for specific flights. The operations control system returns a string of terrain data for each flight identified in the request.

3.2.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 2.

ND002 message system flow

Figure 2. ND001 message system flow

3.2.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

ND002 v1

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND002
version: 1

Message Specification

ND002 GetFlightNavDataRequestType
ND002 GetFlightNavDataResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Original publication of message.


3.3 ND003 – Get Notam

3.3.1  Message Overview

This message allows the crew to request NOTAMs for specific flights. The operations control system returns a string of NOTAM data for each flight identified in the request.

3.3.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 3.

ND003 message flow

Figure 3. ND003 message system flow

3.3.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

ND003 v2

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND003
version: 2

Message Specification

ND003 GetNotamRequestType
ND003 GetNotamResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet available

Message Version History Version 1
* Deprecated and no longer available

Version 2
* Added optional, string elements: icaoFormattedText, simpleFormattedText, companyFormattedText, eNotamFormattedText to CM004 publish, ND003 response, AN003 Publish messages.


3.4 ND004 – NavData By Point

3.4.1  Message Overview

A Message Overview is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.4.2  Message System Flow

A Message System Flow is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.4.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

ND004 vD

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND004
version: D

Message Specification

ND004 NavDataByPointRequestType
ND004 NavDataByPointResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet available because it is in beta.

Message Version History Version A:
* beta message for NavDataService

Version B:
* Modified airportDetails, and runwayDetails.

Version C:
* Removed "additionalNavaidInfo"; Modified advancedAirportDetail in Nav Data Msg to supoprt multiple communication types/frequencies; Modified "magneticVariation" and "altitude" elements in "basicAirportDetails" in Nav Data Msgs; Defined altitude from Common.xsd AltitudeType (integer, restricted to -2000, to 250000) with UOM attribute, and MagneticVariation as an xs:string.

Version D:
* Communications type codes. Added Enumerations: H-High Frequency (3,000 kHz - 30,000 kHz), V-Very High frequency (30,000kHz - 200 MHz), U-Ultra High Frequency (200 MHz-3,000 MHz), C-Communication Channel for 8.33 kHz spacing - ND004 NavDataSvcResponse / namedPoint / advancedAirportDetail / communications.
* Removed elements form basicAirportDetail, including: postalZipCode, telephoneCountryCode, timeZone, distanceToCity - ND004 Response - NavDataSvcResponse / namedPoint / basicAirportDetail.
* Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType, such as: shortestRunway, touchdownPointIndicator, instrumentProcedureSTAR, instrumentApproachProcedure, instrumentDepartureProcedure - ND004 NavDataSvcResponse / namedPoint / advancedAirportDetail.
* Remove "radial" from AdvancedAirprotDetailsType - vorDetails - ND004 NavDataSvcResponse / namedPoint / advancedAirportDetail / vorDetails.


3.5 ND005 – Named Point Nearest Latitude / Longitude

3.5.1  Message Overview

A Message Overview is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.5.2  Message System Flow

A Message System Flow is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.5.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

ND005 vD

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND005
version: D

Message Specification

ND005 NamedPointNearestLatitude/LongitudeRequestType
ND005 NamedPointNearestLatitude/LongitudeResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet available because it is in beta.

Message Version History Version A
* beta message for NavDataService

Version B:
* Made vorDetails a repeating set of elements under advancedAirportDetails. Updated ND005 response under advancedAirportDetails --> runwayDetails: runwayDetails are now a repeating set of elements - minimumRunwayLength is now runwayLength - added a flag to indicate which runway length is the shortest - displacedThreshold is now an integer with a UOM in feet.

Version C:
* Removed "additionalNavaidInfo"; Modified advancedAirportDetail in Nav Data Msg to supoprt multiple communication types/frequencies; Modified "magneticVariation" and "altitude" elements in "basicAirportDetails" in Nav Data Msgs; Defined altitude from Common.xsd AltitudeType (integer, restricted to -2000, to 250000) with UOM attribute, and MagneticVariation as an xs:string; Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType (fireRescue, daysOfOperation, hoursOfOperation, airportUse)

Version D:
* Communications type codes. Added Enumerations: H-High Frequency (3,000 kHz - 30,000 kHz), V-Very High frequency (30,000kHz - 200 MHz), U-Ultra High Frequency (200 MHz-3,000 MHz), C-Communication Channel for 8.33 kHz spacing - ND005 NamedPointNearLatLonResponse / pointResponse / advancedAirportData / communications.
* Removed elements form basicAirportDetail, including: postalZipCode, telephoneCountryCode, timeZone, distanceToCity - ND005 Response - NamedPointNearLatLonResponse / pointResponse / basicAirportDetail.
* Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType, such as: shortestRunway, touchdownPointIndicator, instrumentProcedureSTAR, instrumentApproachProcedure, instrumentDepartureProcedure - ND005 NamedPointNearLatLonResponse / pointResponse / advancedAirportData.
* Remove "radial" from AdvancedAirprotDetailsType - vorDetails - ND005 NamedPointNearLatLonResponse / pointResponse / advancedAirportData / vorDetails.


3.6 ND006 – NavData Request Based On Polygon

3.6.1  Message Overview

A Message Overview is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.6.2  Message System Flow

A Message System Flow is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.6.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

ND006 vD

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND006
version: D

Message Specification

ND006 NavDataRequestBasedOnPolygonRequestType
ND006 NavDataRequestBasedOnPolygonResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet available because it is in beta.

Message Version History Version A
* beta message for NavDataService

Version B
* Added group type for polygonBoundary, pointName, airportCode; removed noDataReturned element; added error group.
* Deleted one of the sequences in the polygonBoundaryType.

Version C
* Removed "additionalNavaidInfo"; Modified advancedAirportDetail in Nav Data Msg to supoprt multiple communication types/frequencies; Modified "magneticVariation" and "altitude" elements in "basicAirportDetails" in Nav Data Msgs; Defined altitude from Common.xsd AltitudeType (integer, restricted to -2000, to 250000) with UOM attribute, and MagneticVariation as an xs:string; Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType (fireRescue, daysOfOperation, hoursOfOperation, airportUse)

Version D
* Communications type codes. Added Enumerations: H-High Frequency (3,000 kHz - 30,000 kHz), V-Very High frequency (30,000kHz - 200 MHz), U-Ultra High Frequency (200 MHz-3,000 MHz), C-Communication Channel for 8.33 kHz spacing - ND006 NavDataPolygonResponse / polygon / pointResponse / advancedAirportData / communications.
* Removed elements form basicAirportDetail, including: postalZipCode, telephoneCountryCode, timeZone, distanceToCity - ND006 Response - NavDataPolygonResponse / polygonType / pointResonse / basicAirportDetail.
* Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType, such as: shortestRunway, touchdownPointIndicator, instrumentProcedureSTAR, instrumentApproachProcedure, instrumentDepartureProcedure - ND006 NavDataPolygonResponse / polygon / pointResponse / advancedAirportData.
* Remove "radial" from AdvancedAirprotDetailsType - vorDetails - ND006 NavDataPolygonResponse / polygon / pointResponse / advancedAirportData / vorDetails.
* Update ND006 request/response for PolygonBoundaryType so that namedPoint or coordinates are required, not both.


3.7 ND007 – NavData Based On An Airport Nearest A Navaid

3.7.1  Message Overview

A Message Overview is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.7.2  Message System Flow

A Message System Flow is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.7.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

ND007 vE

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND007
version: E

Message Specification

ND007 NavDataBasedOnAnAirportNearestANavaidRequestType
ND007 NavDataBasedOnAnAirportNearestANavaidResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet available because it is in beta.

Message Version History Version A
* beta message for NavDataService

Version B
* Made vorDetails a repeating set of elements under advancedAirportDetails. Made navigationAid as repeatable; made PointResponse as repeatable, and specified lat/long as coordinates in the airport details on the response.
* Updated ND007 response under advancedAirportDetails --> runwayDetails: runwayDetails are now a repeating set of elements - minimumRunwayLength is now runwayLength - added a flag to indicate which runway length is the shortest - displacedThreshold is now an integer with a UOM in feet.

Version C
* minor update - no changes apparent to user.

Version D
* Removed "additionalNavaidInfo", and Modified advancedAirportDetail in Nav Data Msg to supoprt multiple communication types/frequencies; Modified "magneticVariation" and "altitude" elements in "basicAirportDetails" in Nav Data Msgs; Defined altitude from Common.xsd AltitudeType (integer, restricted to -2000, to 250000) with UOM attribute, and MagneticVariation as an xs:string; Created common navPointCategoryType; Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType (fireRescue, daysOfOperation, hoursOfOperation, airportUse)

Version E
* Communications type codes. Added Enumerations: H-High Frequency (3,000 kHz - 30,000 kHz), V-Very High frequency (30,000kHz - 200 MHz), U-Ultra High Frequency (200 MHz-3,000 MHz), C-Communication Channel for 8.33 kHz spacing - ND007 NavDataAirportNearNavaidResponse / nmaedPoint / advancedAirportData / communications.
* Removed elements form basicAirportDetail, including: postalZipCode, telephoneCountryCode, timeZone, distanceToCity - ND007 Response - NavDataAirportNearNavaidResponse / namedPoint / basicAirportDetail.
* Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType, such as: shortestRunway, touchdownPointIndicator, instrumentProcedureSTAR, instrumentApproachProcedure, instrumentDepartureProcedure - ND007 NavDataAirportNearNavaidResponse / namedPoint / advancedAirportData.
* Remove "radial" from AdvancedAirprotDetailsType - vorDetails - ND007 NavDataAirportNearNavaidResponse / namedPoint / advancedAirportData / vorDetails.


3.8 ND008 – NavData For Points Along A Straight Line

3.8.1  Message Overview

A Message Overview is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.8.2  Message System Flow

A Message System Flow is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.8.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

ND008 vD

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND008
version: D

Message Specification

ND008 NavDataForPointsAlongAStraightLineRequestType
ND008 NavDataForPointsAlongAStraightLineResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet available because it is in beta.

Message Version History Version A
* beta message for NavDataService

Version B
* modified runwayDetails

Version C
* Removed "additionalNavaidInfo"; Modified advancedAirportDetail in Nav Data Msg to supoprt multiple communication types/frequencies; Modified "magneticVariation" and "altitude" elements in "basicAirportDetails" in Nav Data Msgs; Defined altitude from Common.xsd AltitudeType (integer, restricted to -2000, to 250000) with UOM attribute, and MagneticVariation as an xs:string; Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType (fireRescue, daysOfOperation, hoursOfOperation, airportUse)

Version D
* Communications type codes. Added Enumerations: H-High Frequency (3,000 kHz - 30,000 kHz), V-Very High frequency (30,000kHz - 200 MHz), U-Ultra High Frequency (200 MHz-3,000 MHz), C-Communication Channel for 8.33 kHz spacing - ND008 NavDataPointsAlongLineResponse / swatchLineResponse / advancedAirportData / communications.
* Removed elements form basicAirportDetail, including: postalZipCode, telephoneCountryCode, timeZone, distanceToCity - ND008 Response - NavDataPointsAlongLineResponse / swathLineResponse / basicAirportDetail.
* Removed various elements from AdvancedAirportDetailsType, such as: shortestRunway, touchdownPointIndicator, instrumentProcedureSTAR, instrumentApproachProcedure, instrumentDepartureProcedure - ND008 NavDataPointsAlongLineResponse / swatchLineResponse / advancedAirportData.
* Remove "radial" from AdvancedAirprotDetailsType - vorDetails - ND008 NavDataPointsAlongLineResponse / swatchLineResponse / advancedAirportData / vorDetails.


3.9 ND009 – NavData Based on Polygon Points

3.9.1  Message Overview

A Message Overview is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.9.2  Message System Flow

A Message System Flow is not currently available for this message because it is in beta.

3.9.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

ND009 vA

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: ND009
version: A

Message Specification

ND009 WaypointDataRequestType
ND009 WatpointDataResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet available because it is in beta.

Message Version History Version A
* Beta message for NavDataService
* New message to support gathering of waypoint information. New ND009 vA DRAFT of Waypoint Data Request / Response.