
System and Message Overviews

Document Version: 6.5

Date: July 21, 2017

Copyright © 2009-2023 Jeppesen. All rights reserved. Your use of the AIM Bookshelf and all supporting documentation is subject to a separate license agreement between you and Jeppesen, a copy of which is included in the zip file or can be obtained from Jeppesen. The AIM Bookshelf is delivered "AS IS" without warranty of any kind and is not guaranteed to be free from errors or defects. You rely on the AIM Bookshelf at your own risk. No support for the AIM Bookshelf is implied through its publication. The AIM Bookshelf is intended solely for use as a reference and examples of interfaces to Jeppesen systems. Jeppesen may revise, update or cease publication at any time, without notice. Building to the specifications set forth in the AIM Bookshelf does not mean that your intended integration needs will be met or that an interface will function as documented. We recommend contacting Jeppesen directly to discuss professional services options with respect to production application integration and validation efforts.


Document Revision History

The following revision history table reflects all substantive changes to this document.


Description of Updates Made


Updated the Message Summary Table. Corrected typo to FlightKey (flightKey) in DP001 and DP002.


DP001: Removed radioFrequency from Desk. Updated the message to version 2.
DP002: Changed name of "RouteType" to "RouteSegmentType." Changed offToBOD to offToTOD (top of descent). Added FlightPlanWeightsType to be consistent with XSD standard. Updated message to version 4.
DP003: Changed DeskType/Desk from "all" to "sequence", and removed radioFrequency from Desk. Updated the message to version 2.


Updated DP005. Added new messages DP007 and DP008.


Fixed outdated links to the DP004 sample messages.


Added messages DP006 and DP009. Updated the following messages from DRAFT to version 1: DP007 and DP008. Updated DP004 from version 2 to version 3. Added new publish message DP010.


Updated links for new Bookshelf directory structure.


Updated XSD.

18-November-10 Updated XSD.
14-December-10 Updated XSD. FlightPlanFuelCRRType, the fuels that have required "units" attributes are: taxiOut, taxiIn, arrival. Change these required "units" to optional.  The FuelQuantityType used was a Common element.  Created a new CRR FuelQuantityType to allow for optional attributes of units and density.
24-February-11 New XSD.
8-June-11 New XSD. Updated DP002: Added required UOM attribute to flightPlanWeights / rampWeight, mTOW, mLDW.
20-September-11 New XSD. Updated DP002.
8-June-11 New XSD. Updated DP002: Added required UOM attribute to flightPlanWeights / rampWeight, mTOW, mLDW.
15-November-11 New XSD. Updated DP002 - Made flightplan optional
Updated DP011 - Added to support LAN ACARS
17-February-12 New XSD. Updated DP011 - Architecture was changed requiring the creation of a new DP012 PUBLISH msg to replace the DP011 request/response (Version number will revert to a draft.): Updated DP012 - Added unique ID, optional, nillable. The purpose of this new element is to allow receiving systems to identify proper post-processing upon receipt of these messages (Version number will revert to a draft).
1-May-12 New XSD. Updated DP006 - Enhance DP006 point aloft divert point/fix id.
15-August-12 New XSD. AirportCodeCRRType - "other" is restricted to a string with a null pattern. Removed the null pattern from the element.
23-July-13 New XSD. Updated DP002 to allow carrying of text. Name, cdata blocks. Added: tripFuel - DP002v4 Deprecated
3-March-14 New XSD.
24-December-14 New XSD.
Updated DP002 to version 6 - Added AccessType.
26-May-15 New XSD.
Updated DP002 to version 7 - Add BAGA flightKeyChoice.
3-March-16 New XSD.
* Updated DP011 for 702A flight plan request and response. Added optional, string element: fmcFlightNumber to the request and response.
* Added sample message for: DP002v7BAGAflightKey.xml and DP002v7CommercialFlightKey.xml
30-January-17 New XSD.
* Updated DP002 to version 8 - Added new GUFI ID to DP002.
21-July-17 New XSD.
* Updated DP002 to version 9 - Added tlrRequestId.

Table Of Contents


1  Introduction

This document defines the interfaces which govern the interchange of data between a Dispatch system and other systems within an Airline Operation Center (AOC).  Each AOC interface is represented by a message described in an associated XSD (XML Schema Definition). The XSD defines and enforces the required, optional, and conditional data that can be included in a message.

Dispatch systems create flight documents that are used in the safe dispatch of an aircraft.

1.1  Audience

The intended audience for this document includes existing and potential Jeppesen customers, integration partners, and personnel with roles associated with application architecture, application development, system testing, implementation, and application support within Dispatch which is a system that is used to create flight documents that are used in the safe dispatch of an aircraft.

1.2  Scope

This document discusses the Dispatch messages currently supported by the Jeppesen Solution Integrator. Each message description includes the following:

  • Overview for common message uses within an AOC
  • Message Version Summary listing all available versions of each message
  • Links to the message specifications including direct links to XSD documentation, where you can explore the XSD hierarchy and interface specifications in a navigable HTML format
  • Links to the XSD source code
  • Links to sample XML messages for each AOC message

Other data interfaces or formats not included in this document will be considered custom and not supported.

1.3  XML Schema/XSD

The XML schema for this ICD is published in the following file: Dispatch.XSD


2  Message Summary

Table 2-1 lists the messages that can be sent or handled by the application.

Table 2-1 Message Summary 








Dispatch Desk Assignment






Publish Flight Plan






Get Dispatcher Desk List






Get Flight Release






Retrieve Flight List






Calculation Result Record






Sign Flight Release






Flight Release Signed Query






Flight Note






Sign Flight Release






Flight Plan






Request Acars Flight Plan






3 AOC Interface Messages

The following messages are processed by the Dispatch system.

3.1 DP001 - Dispatch Desk Assignment

3.1.1  Message Overview

This message is used to assign a dispatch desk to a flight leg. This message can be used for daily desk assignments, ad hoc assignments for new flights, and desk re-assignment to help balance the workload across multiple desks. A desk assignment list is later published so that other parts of the airline know which desk is responsible for which flight. Multiple desk assignments can be sent in a single message.   Daily desk assignments

The desk assignment message can be used to facilitate an Airline Operation Center’s daily flight-to-desk mapping. Typically, this mass desk assignment occurs once a day. All flights for the current or next day are run through a rule-based desk assignment model and distributed across multiple desks. Assignments can be sent using multiple messages or in a single message using the <flightLegGroup> repeating group.   Ad hoc assignments for new flights

As new flights are created during the day, the Dispatch Desk Assignment message can be used to assign those flights to specific desks. Whether the new flight is a ferry flight, positioning flight, continuation leg, or other charter, this message is used to assign the flight to a desk. When the dispatch system receives the new flight information (through an OC001 Create Flight Leg message), it will typically assign the desk immediately.   Desk re-assignment for workload-balancing

The Dispatch Desk Assignment message can also be used to re-assign a flight to a different desk. This is helpful when one desk is overloaded during the course of a day. For example, a thunderstorm in Chicago increases the workload for the dispatcher working all of the Chicago flights. He may need to reroute flights, communicate with pilots, and ensure that other passengers and cargo considerations have been addressed. In this case, some of the desk’s flights are manually moved to another, less busy, desk by sending another DP001 message.

Note that there is not a delete function related to this message. As a flight is re-assigned, the most recent message supersedes any previous assignments. The desk assignment should then be re-published so that the rest of the airline is aware of the update.

3.1.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 1.

DP001 Message Flow

Figure 1. DP001 message system flow

3.1.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

DP001 v2

Message Header Details

msgName: DP001
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 2

Message Specification

DP001 DispatchDeskAssignmentType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Version 1:
* Updated message DP001 to use the version 2 FlightKeyType. Modified DP001 repeating group from <flightLeg> to <flightLegGroup>. Corrected DP001 to use FlghtKeyType version 2. Corrected typo to FlightKey (flightKey).

Version 2:
* 02-01-10: Removed radioFrequency from Desk. Updated the message to version 2.


3.2 DP002 - Publish Flight Plan

3.2.1 Message Overview

The Publish Flight Plan message is a multi-purpose message that provides the following information, based on a single flight.

  • Flight plan data (ARINC 633 format) link to specification
  • Flight plan notes (dispatcher entered via flight planning system)
  • User data (user identification)
  • Trip Fuel
  • Deferred Maintenance Items (DMI) and their hierarchial structures
    • Parent / Child associations for DMI's

3.2.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 2.

DP002 Message Flow

Figure 2. DP002 message system flow

3.2.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

DP002 v9

Message Header Details

msgName: DP002
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 9

Message Specification

DP002 PublishFlightPlanType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages are not yet available for this version

Message Version History

Version 2:
* Created DP002 version 2 using version 2 FlightKeyType.
* Added the following fields to DP002 v2: planStatistics, alternateAirport, speedSchedule, and scenario.
* Corrected spelling error to FpResponseAircraftType in all DP002 messages.

Version 3:
* Updated the flight field to use FpResponseFlight Type version 3. Corrected typo to FlightKey (flightKey).

Version 4:
* Deprecated

Version 5:
* Updated DP002 to allow carrying of text. Name, cdata blocks. Added: tripFuel.

Version 6:
* Updated DP002 to add AccessType.

Version 7:
* Updated DP002 to add BAGA flightKeyChoice.
* Added sample message for: DP002v7BAGAflightKey.xml and DP002v7CommercialFlightKey.xml

Version 8:
* Updated DP002 to add new GUFI ID to DP002

Version 9:
* Updated DP002 to add tlrRequestId.


3.3  DP003 – Get Dispatcher Desk List

3.3.1  Message Overview

This message is used to request a list of valid dispatch desks and associated information. This provides informational support to other applications in an airline operation center. For example, a Flight Following application screen might include a dropdown list of all the flights assigned to a desk. Rather than entering these desk assignments manually each day, the Flight Following application can get the desk assignment list using the DP003 message.

3.3.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 3.

DP003 Message Flow

Figure 3. DP003 message system flow

3.3.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

DP003 v2

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: DP003
version: 2

Message Specification

DP003 GetDispatcherDeskListRequestType
DP003 GetDispatcherDeskListResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Version 2
* Changed DeskType/Desk from "all" to "sequence", and removed radioFrequency from Desk.


3.4  DP004 - Get Flight Release

3.4.1   Message Overview

This message is used to request the current flight paperwork required by the pilot. After the dispatcher creates and assembles all of the required paperwork for a flight, the pilot pulls this package from another system (Crew Portal, for example) using the DP004 message. This package must then be stored for a specific time frame in accordance with FAA regulations.

The following items can be returned in the DP004 message:

  • Airport Analysis
  • ATC Filing Strip
  • Company Notams
  • Field Condition Report
  • Flight Plan
  • Load Plan
  • Release
  • Weather Briefing

3.4.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 4.

DP004 Message Flow

Figure 4. DP004 message system flow

3.4.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP004 v3

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: DP004
version: 3

Message Specification

DP004 GetFlightReleaseRequestType
DP004 GetFlightReleaseResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Version 2
* Created DP004 version 2 using version 2 FlightKeyType.
* Moved DP004 custom type into message common types.

Version 3
* For the request, added seeChainedReleases element.
* For the response, added new releasedPlanGroup, chainedRelease, and arrivalAlternates type.


3.5  DP005 – Retrieve Flight List (DRAFT)

3.5.1  Message Overview

This message is used to request a list of released flight that is ready for departure.  Crew Portal systems require this information to display a list of flights for the crew to select.

3.5.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 5.

DP005 Message Flow

Figure 5. DP005 message system flow

3.5.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP005 vB

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: DP005
version: B

Message Specification

DP005 RetrieveFlightListRequestType
DP005 RetrieveFlightListResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Added functionality to filter a list of flights based on the parameters in the message.



3.6  DP006 – Calculation Result Record

3.6.1  Message Overview

This message returns the flight calculation results in a non-standard AOC format. Please contact Jeppesen before implementing this message in your AOC.

3.6.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 6.

DP006 message flow

Figure 6. DP006 message system flow

3.6.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP006 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: DP006
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 1

Message Specification

DP006 CalculationResultRecordType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not yet available for this message version.

Message Version History Updated XSD. Enhance DP006 point aloft divert point/fix id


3.7  DP007 – Sign Flight Release

3.7.1  Message Overview

This message allows the captain (using a Crew Portal system) or dispatcher to request a signed flight release. The response message is a confirmation that the requested flight release was marked as signed and has been stored by the system.

Related Message: DP010 provides similar content in a Publish message format.

3.7.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 7.

DP007 message system flow

Figure 7. DP007 message system flow

3.7.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP007 v1

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: DP007
version: 1

Message Specification

DP007 SignFlightReleaseRequestType
DP007 SignFlightReleaseResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Original publication of message version 1.


3.8  DP008 – Flight Release Signed Query

3.8.1  Message Overview

This message is used to add a note to the flight paperwork.

3.8.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 8.

DP008 message system flow

Figure 8. DP008 message system flow

3.8.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP008 v1

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: DP008
version: 1

Message Specification

DP008 FlightReleaseSignedQueryRequestType
DP008 FlightReleaseSignedQueryResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Original publication of message version 1.


3.9  DP009 – Flight Note

3.9.1  Message Overview

This message is used to send a note from an external system to the Dispatch application. The note can then be displayed on the Dispatch application's user interface.

3.9.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 9.

DP009 message flow

Figure 9. DP009 message system flow

3.9.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP009 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: DP009
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 1

Message Specification

DP008 FlightNoteType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Original publication of message.


3.10  DP010 – Sign Flight Release

3.10.1  Message Overview

This message allows the Dispatch system to send a notification that the flight release was marked as signed and has been stored by the system. This message can be sent to other systems within the AOC or external systems.

Related Message: DP007 provides similar functionality in a Request/Response message format.

3.10.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 10.

DP010 Message Flow

Figure 10. DP010 message system flow

3.10.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP010 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: DP010
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 1

Message Specification

DP010 SignFlightReleasePublishType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Original publication of message version 1.


3.11  DP011 – Flight Plan

3.11.1  Message Overview

The purpose of this message is to allow an external customer flight planning system to request flight plan, and related information, for the Flight Planning/Dispatch system.

3.11.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 11.

DP011 Message Flow

Figure 11. DP011 message system flow

3.11.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP011 vB

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: DP011
version: B

Message Specification

DP011 FlightPlanRequestType
DP011 FlightPlanResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Sample messages not yet avaialble

Message Version History Initial version

Version B
* Updated for 702A flight plan request and response.
* Added optional, string element: fmcFlightNumber to the request and response.


3.12  DP012 – Request Acars Flight Plan

3.12.1  Message Overview

The DP012 ACARS Flight Plan request message provides a method for an external system to publish a message that will trigger the flight planning/dispatch system to publish a Flight Plan in the ARINC 633 format. The Flight Plan is then picked up by the external requesting system and is processed within that system.

3.12.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 12.

DP012 Message Flow

Figure 12. DP012 message system flow

3.12.3  Message Details

Message Version

DP012 vA

Message Header Details

msgName: DP012
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: A

Message Specification

DP012 RequestAcarsFlightPlanType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Initial version